Canada Publishes Regulation Prohibiting Purchase of Primary Residence by Non Canadians - ISS Relocations

Non-Canadians are prohibited from purchasing primary residences under a new Canadian regulation

The Canadian Government published the regulation on 21 December, which implemented the law banning the purchase of a primary residence by non-Canadians. A two-year prohibition will take effect on January 1, 2023.

Non-Canadian transferees who have worked and filed taxes in Canada for three out of the last four years can still purchase a primary residence. The relocation program does not allow transfers or non-Canadian companies to purchase a primary residence directly or on behalf of Canadian or non-Canadian transferees who do not meet the requirement.
A relocation exemption has been sought by the Canadian Employee Relocation Council (CERC). In early December, CERC and Worldwide ERC sent a letter requesting an exemption to Canadian Ministries. Currently, we are evaluating the next steps in pursuing a relocation exemption.

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