Choosing the Right Pet Carrier for Your Move - ISS Relocations

Choosing the Right Pet Carrier for Your Move

Moving to a new home can be stressful not just for humans but also for our furry friends. Choosing the right pet carrier for your move is a critical decision to ensure the safety and comfort of your pet during transport. In this article, we will discuss the important factors to consider when choosing a pet carrier, the different types of carriers available, and tips to help you select the best carrier for your pet. ISS Relocations is a reliable relocation company that offers hassle-free pet transportation services.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Pet Carrier

A. Size and weight of your pet
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a pet carrier is the size and weight of your pet. Your pet should be able to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably inside the carrier. A carrier that is too small can cause discomfort and distress, while a carrier that is too large can be dangerous during transport.

B. Length of the journey
The length of the journey is another crucial factor to consider when choosing a pet carrier. If you are traveling long distances, your pet carrier should be spacious enough to allow your pet to stretch and move around comfortably. A smaller carrier may be more suitable for short journeys.

C. Mode of transportation
The mode of transportation you will be using to move your pet is also an important factor to consider. Different carriers are suitable for different modes of transportation, whether it be air, land, or sea. You should ensure that your carrier meets the requirements of your chosen mode of transportation.

D. Type of pet carrier
There are several types of pet carriers available, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The type of carrier you choose will depend on your pet’s size and personality, the length of the journey, and the mode of transportation.

E. Durability and safety features
The durability and safety features of your pet carrier are crucial to ensure your pet’s safety during transport. Your carrier should be sturdy enough to withstand any bumps or impacts during transit and should have safety features such as secure latches and locking mechanisms.

F. Ventilation and visibility
Your pet carrier should have proper ventilation to ensure that your pet can breathe easily during transport. The carrier should also have enough visibility to allow your pet to see outside and prevent them from feeling claustrophobic.

G. Comfort of the pet
Your pet carrier should be comfortable enough for your pet to sleep and relax in during transport. It should have a soft lining to provide cushioning, and your pet should have access to food, water, and toys during the journey.


Types of Pet Carriers

A. Hard-sided carriers: Hard-sided carriers are made of durable plastic and are suitable for transporting larger pets. They are sturdy and secure, making them ideal for air travel. However, they can be heavy and bulky.

B. Soft-sided carriers: Soft-sided carriers are lightweight and comfortable, making them ideal for shorter journeys. They are also easier to store and transport, but they may not be as secure as hard-sided carriers.

C. Backpack carriers: Backpack carriers are ideal for smaller pets and are suitable for short hikes or walks. They provide a hands-free way to carry your pet and are comfortable for both you and your pet.

D. Wheeled carriers: Wheeled carriers are ideal for larger pets and are suitable for longer journeys. They are easy to manoeuvre and can be pulled like a suitcase, making them ideal for air travel.

E. Carriers for specific types of pets (i.e., birds, reptiles, etc.): Some carriers are specifically designed for certain types of pets, such as birds or reptiles. These carriers provide the specific features needed to transport these types of pets safely and comfortably.

F. Carriers for Multiple Pets: If you have more than one pet that you need to transport, there are carriers available that can accommodate multiple pets. These carriers come in both hard-sided and soft-sided options, and they provide separate compartments for each pet.

G. Carriers for Special Needs Pets: If your pet has special needs, such as a disability or illness, there are carriers available that can accommodate those needs. These carriers may have special features such as additional padding or support, and they may be designed to provide better ventilation or visibility for your pet.


Tips for Choosing the Right Pet Carrier

Choosing the right pet carrier is crucial for a smooth and comfortable move for your pet. Here are some tips to keep in mind when selecting the right pet carrier:

A. Take measurements of your pet: Before you purchase a pet carrier, take accurate measurements of your pet’s height, length, and weight. This information will help you choose a carrier that is the right size for your pet. A carrier that is too small will make your pet uncomfortable, while a carrier that is too large will not provide the necessary security and support.

B. Check airline requirements: If you plan to travel by air, it’s essential to check the airline’s pet carrier requirements before you purchase a carrier. Every airline has different rules, so make sure you choose a carrier that meets the airline’s requirements. Some airlines have restrictions on the size and type of carrier, and some may require specific types of ventilation or labelling.

C. Consider your pet’s temperament: Your pet’s temperament is another important factor to consider when choosing a carrier. If your pet is anxious or nervous, a carrier that provides more security and privacy, such as a hard-sided carrier, may be a better option. However, if your pet is more relaxed, a carrier with more ventilation and visibility, such as a soft-sided carrier, may be a better fit.

D. Look for carriers with removable and washable lining: Pet carriers can become dirty and smelly over time, especially if your pet has accidents during travel. Choosing a carrier with a removable and washable lining will make it easier to keep the carrier clean and fresh for your pet. Make sure to read the cleaning instructions carefully to avoid damaging the carrier.

E. Consider purchasing a carrier with additional features: Some pet carriers come with additional features such as pockets for storage, which can be useful for storing food, water, and toys for your pet. Other features may include wheels for easy manoeuvring or a padded shoulder strap for added comfort.

F. Test out the carrier before the move: Before your move, it’s essential to test out the carrier with your pet to ensure that it is a good fit. Encourage your pet to get into the carrier and spend some time inside. This will help your pet become familiar with the carrier and reduce their anxiety during travel. It’s also a good time to identify any potential issues with the carrier, such as discomfort or difficulty closing the carrier.

G. Research reviews and recommendations from other pet owners: Reading reviews and recommendations from other pet owners who have used a particular carrier can provide valuable insight into the carrier’s quality, durability, and comfort level. This can help you make an informed decision when choosing a carrier for your pet.

Choosing the right pet carrier for your move can help reduce stress and anxiety for both you and your pet. By considering your pet’s size, temperament, and travel needs, as well as the carrier’s durability, safety features, and airline requirements, you can find a carrier that is the perfect fit for your furry friend.


In conclusion, choosing the right pet carrier is essential for a safe and comfortable move for your pet. It’s important to consider factors such as the size and weight of your pet, the length of the journey, and the mode of transportation. There are several types of pet carriers to choose from, including hard-sided carriers, soft-sided carriers, backpack carriers, and wheeled carriers. It’s important to choose a carrier that is the right size and provides the necessary features for your pet’s comfort and safety. ISS Relocations is a reliable relocation company that can help you transport your pet safely and hassle-free during your move.

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