Worldwide ERC® Working to Protect RMCs from the Canadian Ban on Home Purchases

Worldwide ERC® Working to Protect RMCs from the Canadian Ban on Home Purchases

Get more information at Public Policy Forums during GWS2022.

For those of you who missed it, Worldwide ERC® recently informed their members about a two-year Canadian moratorium on home purchases by foreign buyers. The Purchase of Residential Property by Non-Canadians Act prohibits non-Canadians from purchasing any residential property in Canada for two years starting January 1st, 2023.

Foreign-owned relocation management companies (RMCs) are not exempt from visa requirements, even if they have an office in Canada. We support CERC’s efforts to ensure that this legislation does not impact a company’s ability to offer traditional services when relocating employees across borders or even within Canada. We want all temporary foreign workers to be included in the implementing regulations.

Their latest Canadian venture includes insulating RMCs from the amplified cost of living. They are teaming up with their counterparts to make sure this public policy doesn’t have negative consequences for global mobility. In working with partners all over the world, they advocate for policies that support the industry as a whole.

They strongly urge you to participate in advocacy efforts by joining a Public Policy Forum. These forums provide a space for workforce mobility professionals to collaborate and solve the legal and regulatory hurdles we face as an industry.

You can sign up for their policy forums to help shape public policies. The membership for the forum is open to all Worldwide ERC members. If you have any questions, Worldwide ERC Government Affairs Advisor Tristan North will be happy to help you and fill you in with more details.

At GWS2022, you can attend Real Estate Public Policy Forum to learn more about the new Canadian law, as well as other issues such as the SECURE Notarization Act. This act would establish standards for e-notarization and recognize its interstate usage, wire fraud prevention, and state and local ordinances.

We need to team up and advocate for effective public policies. The GWS2022 conference in Las Vegas from 25-28 October is the perfect place to get the Game On and make a difference. We hope to see you there!

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